The Real Cost Of Freedom

Janis Joplin many times sang the mournful lyrics “Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose” back in the ‘60s, and well she knew the cost of freedom. It was in the price of what she gave up…not what anyone took. She never really had freedom, despite her fame and convoluted fortune, and that’s what she was saying. I know this because my business partner at the time was her best friend, and she was with her until the end.

The Cost Of Freedom Blog is about how we’ve all lost our freedom by our collective choice of attitude. We might be free to drive around and do a lot of things freely, but few people seem to know how much we’ve given up to be “free,” and what that’s costing them…and us as a society. Our prisons and jails are full of people who know the pain of that lost freedom, but the fact is few of them had it to begin with. The same is true to a less dramatic but no less impactful way about many of the rest of us who live in prisons of a different kind.

But it’s not just that, by any means. It’s much more positive than that. It’s about how we take steps to get that freedom back…again by our choice of attitude, and by our willingness to tell the truth and be accountable for our thoughts, words and actions––how we learn to respect one another, and our individual cultures, gender and personal circumstances.

The photo above depicts freedom to me, both in an energetic, visual sense, and in a more personal sense. I twice flew a light plane over that bridge, once when it was enshrouded in thick fog and only a few skyscrapers (literally) poked through the layers of Walt Disney clouds, and again later on in her famous “golden glow” at sunset. Many years later, I stood under her with a group of my closest friends celebrating a breakthrough moment in my life. I had just addressed a luncheon of the members of the San Francisco Yacht Club on the subject of the meaning and true value of personal freedom, as one who served 2 1/2 years in federal prison, and whose federal prosecutor later wrote the Foreword to a book I authored. Behind me in the distance as I spoke to this esteemed body of accomplished people…was Alcatraz.

This Blog Site is about Personal Freedom, and I’d like to focus on those who have done time on either side of the fences and walls. It is my desire to explore ways and exchange ideas and principles of understanding how we create a better, more effective and truly correctional system of criminal justice. If we can make even a 15% positive change, the impact on society overall will be huge. Imagine what it could be like if we could make that 50%. We can. We just have to think…and act…differently. I know, “easier said than done”…but we have to start somewhere. Why not start with ourselves?

Don Kirchner

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Best of Times...or the Worst of Times

The Solution

In the months and years after the jetliners crashed into the World Trade Center in 2001, the American public was introduced to greed and corruption on an unprecedented scale that brought about the collapse of Enron first, then one Fortune 500 company after another after another until business failures on a large scale became almost passé. In recent months, we have seen the collapse and bankruptcies of companies that made those failures seem paltry by comparison. Along with that has come a litany of sex scandals among our top political and religious leaders that has most of America and the rest of the world wondering where the hell does it stop, and how much worse can it get?

Personally, I don’t know where it stops on the grander scale, and things may well get worse before they get better. But I do believe that they will get better eventually, and that it has taken such massive breakdown on all levels and resulting hardship to get our individual attention on what’s most important. WE are what’s most important. By that I mean that we as individuals matter in that overall grand scheme of things, and the only way that we can hope to make a difference in creating a truly “kinder, gentler nation” and safe world to live in is to give back to one another instead of taking blindly whatever we can from a nation that is essentially bankrupt.

I don’t know if we’re on the “brink of collapse,” as so many people are saying, but I know that I can at least stop contributing to the breakdown by paying more attention to how I go about my daily life, and by how willing I am to reach back and help others. If you don’t think that will make a difference, consider how all those people were able to keep their charades going for so long. We allowed that to happen…all 300 million-plus of us at every level of our “get-ahead-at-any-cost” culture. Those planes flew into those towers not just because a bunch of Islamic Jihadists had a grudge against us. It happened because we stopped caring about others on a massive scale…and we allowed our political, military and corporate leaders to take whatever they wanted from other countries and from us. Collectively, we contributed to the process in some way or other by allowing it to happen.

I’m not going to take issue with the powers-that-be, or side with radical elements who want to bring the government down, but I damn sure will start paying more attention to what goes on in my life. The only thing I can do of any real substance, even if it’s tiny by comparison with what a general or a Senator or CEO of any of the remaining Fortune 500 companies can do, is to reach back and help someone else get through what is going on now. Just that act alone makes one person at a time feel better and more valued, and begins a process of rebuilding confidence and caring that, one at a time, builds to the point where more people are paying more attention to what goes on in their lives and who we put in office and whose products we buy.

We got ourselves so caught up in making a living and getting ahead or just surviving that no one paid attention to some trends and patterns that now in hindsight seem pretty obvious even to un-trained eyes. Those people got away with the things they did because we let them, and we ignorantly allowed ourselves to believe that we couldn’t do anything about it. We just went along with it, believing that it didn’t affect us.

I know that it doesn’t seem that any individual can make much of a difference, but we have to begin somewhere…which can and should be with ourselves. Each of us can make a difference by the examples that we set and how we impact others with our thoughts, words and actions. Consider the movie, “Pay It Forward,” and how you felt after watching it. Of course it was “just a movie,” but it had a profound impact on just about everyone who watched it because it showed how powerful one simple idea, properly implemented, had the potential of changing masses of people at a compounding rate.

You can make a difference. You need to make your voice and your intentions heard among those over whom you have any influence or control, and you have to commit to making a difference, no matter how small it may seem to you. Mentoring, caring, guiding and re-directing others on any and all levels can and will restore balance and sensibility in an insane world. At no time in history has social order and disorder been in such an amplified state. But we have the Internet, satellite TV, computers and many things that will vastly accelerate the process, which can make these the best of times in the face of the worst of times.

Don Kirchner

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