In reading the comments regarding how "no one is hiring," I find it difficult not to be moved by the most common dilemma facing newly released offenders and even former military veterans who are "guilty" of nothing but having served their country. Interesting that these two elements of our society face nearly identical circumstances when it comes to jobs. Having been both at different times in my life, I can speak with some degree of authority...added to which much of the time in the years after both "tours of duty," I was also a single father of three children, all of whom chose to live with me.
Having said that, I want to say emphatically that there are always "jobs" out there, and several million illegal immigrants can attest to the fact. They may not be the most desirable jobs, but they are at least a place to start until one has proven him or herself to be willing to do whatever it takes–honorably–to get through the maze and to at least establish some degree of cashflow. Everything follows from there. In the year and half right after my release from federal prison, I threw newspapers from 3:00 AM until 6:00 AM, came home and got my kids ready for school, then worked at an art gallery until 5:00. Three nights a week I waited tables...and the combination of the three jobs kept us going until I was able to secure a "real" job, and eventually to get stable enough to start my own business.
Such is the course one sets for him or herself once one has ventured into the minefield of either incarceration or serving in the military, and either way one has only to set one's mind and heart on the goals with no concern for how others may view it. Ultimately, whatever works, so long as it is honorable and trustworthy, is regarded as one of the most noble things one can do. Doors of opportunity open for such a person that one might never have thought possible before, but they don't do so easily...until one reaches a point of reliability and steadfastness that other people take notice and are compelled not only to assist, but to change their own lives, too.
These are the times we live in now...times of accountability and virtue. Image alone is no longer of value or substance. There must be meaningful and consistent effort, respect and compassion...on both sides of the walls and the uniforms. We are all human beings, and as such must act with caring and respect for one another. AND, we must be willing to work and be productive. In like manner, if we're in business and are in a position to hire others, it is imperative that we consider hiring someone who has faced challenges in their lives

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