To do something meaningful to bring about a positive change doesn't take that much...only a willingness to understand the causes of criminal behavior rather than reacting to the symptoms. As one who spent 2 1/2 years in several of the worst of federal prisons until my release...with honor and commendations...I can tell you that the majority of them want to live their lives more meaningfully. They just don't know how, or where to start, or whom to trust. Many of them were born into lives of crime, and were never shown anything different. I write to over a hundred inmates, and every one of them longs for a better way...not just to get out of prisons of walls and bars, but of the invisible bars and walls outside. For many of them, life has been its own prison...and, I believe, it's much the same for many of us.
Fortunately, the Bush administration in its last couple of years managed to do something profoundly good, which was to begin the series of "White House Summits" on re-entry programs and awareness, and the movement that is now underway in this country is astounding. "Re-entry" offices are being set up in states and big cities across the country...challenged only at this time by the current economic "recovery," I prefer to call this present economic crisis of ours. As we pull out of this recession and put money into re-entry programs, there will be "miracles and wonders" taking place everywhere as highly incentivized former offenders take their places in society as "recovered" offenders with a purpose, new meaning and hope for their...and our...futures. I invite and urge you to give them the benefit of the doubt, and perhaps we can continue on in this century as a truly civilized society. If we do, crime and criminal behavior will diminish by such a high rate it will truly be a miracle and wonder.
Don Kirchner
Sedona, AZ

It is so refreshing and stimulating to see someone as Don Kirchner actually saying and DOING the work of "Returning to Honor" AND providing others with the inspiration and encouragement to follow his words and personal example of what it means for all of us to "Return to Honor"
ReplyDeleteRon Thelen
Sherman Oaks, CA
On Dec 18, 2008, at 2:13 PM, Bob Taylor wrote:
ReplyDeleteWhy can't they receive most of the rehabilitating programs while in prison? Education being one.
Bob Taylor
(on YouTube.com/kewlbob1) (on Facebook, too)